9 Hal Yg Cwe Gak Pernah Tau

Long Time..

1. Cewek tidak akan pernah tahu mengapa cowok harus berani..
karena cowok tahu, walau tampak dari luar mereka berani, sebenarnya cowok paling lemah.walaupun demikian cowok selalu ingin menjaga orang terpentingnya yg ada disisinya ingin dinilai terbaik.

2. Cewek tidak akan pernah tahu mengapa cowok tidak suka menangis
cowok bukan tidak punya airmata, tapi cowok tahu, sekali meneteskan airmata, perasaan ini akan berakhir.

3. Cewek tidak akan tahu, disaat cowok itu putus dengan cewek, cowok tetap akan melindunginya dari jauh
karena cowok tahu, skrg hanya lah sebatas teman..
hanya ingin mengenang akan kenangan yg pernah ada antara mereka berdua

4. Cewek tidak akan tahu, disaat cewek dijahili, cowok akan sangat marah demi untuk membela ceweknya
karena cowok tahu, walau dia akan kalah, tapi ia tetap merasa senang karena dapat melindungi org yang disayanginya
cowok lebih memilih dia yang sakit daripada ceweknya

5. Cewek tidak akan tahu disaat cowok putus cinta, cowok akan berusaha untuk memabukkan dirinya sendiri
karena cowok tahu, jika sekarang ini dia tidak mabuk, ia akan melewati hari yg sangat susah, karna ia masih menginginkannya

6. Cewek tidak akan tahu, mengapa cowok mesti bersifat tidak pelit
karena, cowok rela jika dia sendiri yang irit, dan tidak akan mau diremehkan orang lain.

7. Cewek tidak akan tahu mengapa cowok selalu memarahi cewek
karena cowok tahu, memarahi seseorang yg dicintai bukanlah cinta, tapi mending cowok menjadi peran jahat dari pada disuatu saat nanti ceweknya dimarahi dan dibohongin orang lain

8. Cewek tidak akan pernah tahu mengapa cowok cemburu akan masa lalu dengan mantan cewek
bukan berarti cowok tidak pede akan perasaannya dengan cewek, tetapi cowok takut akan kehilangan ceweknya..

9. Cewek tidak akan tahu mengapa cowok tidak ngomongin I LOVE U dengan cewek nya
Bukan cowok tidak mau tetapi mereka ngerti, beribu² kata I Love U tidak akan cukup jika cowok itu tidak mampu mempertahankan cewek itu ke pelaminan

Posted by NODHERO blog | di 2/12/2010 02:48:00 PM | 0 komentar


Gw lahir dg keadaan normal, gw hidup dg keadaan menyedihkan..

Gw pun berpikir, apa yg m'buat gw sdih?? apa yg m'buat gw harus di beri cobaan2 yg mnurut gw berat bgt?? 
mungkin, hidup gw nothing for my friend n for my family..
I feel, this world hate me for this time n forever..
I don't know how long i must survive from this motherfucker destiny!!!!
I doesn't have a strong love, just a little love!!!


Posted by NODHERO blog | di 1/23/2010 07:24:00 PM | 0 komentar

Avenged Sevenfold – Critical Acclaim

Shhh be quiet, you might piss somebody off
Like me motherfucker, you've been at it for too long
While you feed off others insecurities
You stand in front of me and bite the hand that feeds

(Self-righteousness is wearing thin)
Lies inside your head your bestfriend
(Heart bleeds but not for fellow man)
Broken glass, your fake reflection

I've had enough it's time for something real
Don't respect the words you're speaking
Gone too far, acclaim

So how does it feel to know that someones kid in the heart of america
Has blood on their hands, fighting to defend your rights
So you can maintain the lifestyle that insults this family's existance
Well, where I'm from we have a special salute we aim high in the air
Towards all those pompous assholes who spend their days pointing fingers

Fuck you

Shh be quiet, you might piss somebody off
Like the heartbeat of this country when antagonized too long
I'll be damned if you count me in as part of your generous hypocrisy
Collecting enemies

(Tabloid gossip queen, worthless man)
There's no need for us to bury you
(Selfish agenda, once again)
Right this way, you've dug your own grave

I've had enough it's time for something real
Don't respect the words you're speaking
Gone too far, acclaim

All the way from the east to the west
We've got this high society looking down on this very foundation

Constantly reminding us that our actions are the cause of all their problems
Pointing the fingers in every direction
Blaming their own nation for who wins elections
They've never contributed a fucking thing to the country they love to criticize

Excuse the obscene, ignore the untrue
Depictions we see, try and get through
Admitting mistakes can't hurt
I'm not the last but I sure ain't the first

Shh be quiet, you might piss somebody off

(Self-righteousness is wearing thin)
Lies inside your head your bestfriend
(Heart bleeds but not for fellow man)
Broken glass, your fake reflection

I've had enough it's time for something real
Don't respect these words you speak
You've gone too far, acclaim

Posted by NODHERO blog | di 12/28/2009 06:17:00 AM | 1 komentar

aktifitas slama liburan

hello all blogger, gmn kbar nyaa??

ok gw mau crita tentang kerjaan gw slama liburan= 

1.) joki
yup, krjaan yg udah lama gw lakuin, tapi gw udah gk pernah ngjokiin char RF org stelah gw pensiun di client indo.. trus skarang gw ngjokiin punya nyaa si xO[]Ox(archon baru)..
kadang2 aja gw ngjokiin, minta bayaran ktemuan di sency kmaren, mayan gw ngjokiin 2minggu dapet 100rb..

2.) maen nonstop
itu pasti slama lburan, gw gk akan stop maen, tapi skrang udah punya kacamata tu(wkwkwkwkkakaakak).. gw lg eksis maen ninja blade, L4D, RF, mafia n zombie wars..

3.) jalan2 gaje
biasa lah gw krjaan lain yaa jalan2 gaje gitu deh, jadi bodyguard nyokap gw.. trus ntar pas pergi suruh bawain barang blanjaan nyokap gw, tapi no problem, itu baru nama nyaa cowo(mnurut kakek dari nyokap gw)

4.) sms-an

gw lebih gak tau waktu klo lagi sms-an sama ********* ******
dia org nya asik bgt, trus baik jadi gw bisa baik bgt sama dia..

cuma itu doank seh krjaan yg pling gw suka pas lburan n gw juga gk lburan kmn2 :'(
tapi gpp lah yg penting gw ada duit..

1 more, bagi yg baca blog ini gw kasih tau gw tambah gnteng ok persis kayak yukihiro pake kacamta(my brother) wkwkwkwkakakakak..

Posted by NODHERO blog | di 12/28/2009 06:11:00 AM | 0 komentar

Avenged Sevenfold - Afterlife

Like walking into a dream, so unlike what you've seen
So unsure but it seems, cause we
ve been waiting for you
Fallen into this place, just giving you a small taste
Of your afterlife here so stay, you'll be back here soon anyway
I see a distant light, but girl this can't be right

Such a surreal place to see so how did this come to be

Arrived too early

And when I think of all the places I just don't belong

I've come to grips with life and realize this is going too far
I don't belong here, we gotta move on dear
Escape from this afterlife
Cause this time I'm right to move on and on
Far away from here
A place of hope and no pain, perfect skies with no rain

Can leave this Fallen into this place, just giving you a small taste

Place but refrain, cause we've been waiting for you
Of your afterlife here so stay, you'll be back here soon anyway

This peace on earth's not right (with my back against the wall)
No pain or sign of time (I
m much too young to fall)
So out of place don't wanna stay, I feel wrong and that's my sign
I've made up my mind

Give me your hand but realize I just wanna say goodbye
Please understand I have to leave and carry on my own life

I don't belong here, I gotta move on dear
escape from this afterlife
Cause this time I'm right to move on and on,
far away from here

Got nothing against you and surely I'll miss you
This place full of peace and light, and I
d hope you might
Take me back inside when the time is right

Loved ones back home all crying cause they're already missing me
I pray by the grace of God that there's somebody listening
Give me a chance to be that person I wanna be
(I am unbroken; I
m choking on this ecstasy)
Oh Lord I'll try so hard but you gotta let go of me
(Unbreak me, unchain me, I need another chance to live)

I don't belong here, I gotta move on dear
escape from this afterlife
Cause this time I'm right to move on and on,
far away from here

Got nothing against you and surely I'll miss you
This place full of peace and light, and I
d hope you might
Take me back inside when the time is right

Posted by NODHERO blog | di 12/23/2009 07:18:00 PM | 0 komentar

Bullet For My Valentine – Tears Don’t Fall

Let's go

With blood shot eyes I watch you sleeping
The warmth I feel beside me is slowly fading
Would she hear me if I called her name?
Would she hold me if she knew my shame?

There's always something different going wrong
The path I walk is in the wrong direction
There's always someone fucking hanging on
Can anybody help me make things better?

Your tears don't fall, they crash around me
Her conscious calls, the guilty to come home
Your tears don't fall, they crash around me
Her conscious calls, the guilty to come home

The moments die, I hear no screaming
The visions left inside me are slowly fading
Would she hear me if I called her name?
Would she hold me if she knew my shame?

There's always something different going wrong
The path I walk is in the wrong direction
There's always someone fucking hanging on
Can anybody help me make things better?

Your tears don't fall, they crash around me
Her conscious calls, the guilty to come home
Your tears don't fall, they crash around me
Her conscious calls, the guilty to come home

Ow yeah

This battered room I've seen before
The broken bones they heal no more, no more
With my last breath I'm choking
Will this ever end? I'm hoping
My world is over one more time

Let's go

Would she hear me if I called her name?
Would she hold me if she knew my shame?

There's always something different going wrong
The path I walk is in the wrong direction
There's always someone fucking hanging on
Can anybody help me make things better?

Your tears don't fall, they crash around me

Her conscious calls, the guilty to come home
Your tears don't fall, they crash around me
Her conscious calls, the guilty to come


Posted by NODHERO blog | di 12/21/2009 03:51:00 AM | 0 komentar

Translation Hitomi No Jyunnin

I don't know how long... but it's been some time,
how much do I really know about you?
following the map with my fingertips isn't getting us anywhere,
I see how it distresses you in your face,
so much you try to conceal it.

It's strange... how even as I run in circles
as if resisting my advance to a busy future
my heart still draws you.

When I looked up, the radiance had filled the sky
without losing any of its lustre.
If only we could be like that sun always shining.

I want to be embraced in your scent... if just a little longer
the outside air pulls my collar, but I turned my back to it.

my sighs blurring white in the air, inform me of the season.
going through it again, a thought occurred to me,
What am I doing here?

I want to stay here watching you smile forever
I want to live each changing moment in your eyes,
in that one scene forever colored in gentle hues
to bring us close together, I want to stop time forever.

I want to stay here watching you smile forever
I want to live each changing moment in your eyes,
If one day I could bring you to a serene season
to the flowers blooming in the sky like snowflakes.
...to the flowers

Posted by NODHERO blog | di 12/20/2009 05:27:00 PM | 0 komentar

New Year New Album!!!!

Good News For L'Arc~en~Ciel lovers

On December 1, 2009, leader tetsu changed his name to "tetsuya" (and TETSUYA for his solo projects). They also announced the release of a new single: "BLESS" (Jan 27th release date) which would be set as the theme song for NHK's coverage of the Vancouver Winter Olympics 2010.

Posted by NODHERO blog | di 12/12/2009 05:43:00 AM | 0 komentar

UAS finish!!!!!! let's get high!!!!!!!!

Ok!!!!! UAS slesai, gk nyesek lagi, kita have fun!!!!!!!! 

wew, kmaren abiez ada yg ultah loo, nma nyaa yovita, temen gw yg suka di ledekin truz ma calon nyaa, yustamin(iyoi).. 

yup, skarang gw mrasa free bgt stlh UAS, blajar2 mulu, truz plajaran nyaa ada yg blom di ajarin, ad yg blom di kasih tau materi buat UAS(gimana seh guru nyaa, apalagi b.arab, udah ngajar b.arab, guru nyaa sarap pula, gdek gw)

tapi untung nyaa soal MYK gampang, yah dapet nyaa 82, tapi no problem yg penting masih di ataz rata2..

skian dari NODHERO

Posted by NODHERO blog | di 12/11/2009 03:38:00 PM | 0 komentar

I Still n Can't

wktu itu gw mencintai se2org yg sgt2 gw cintai, dy lah yg gw bngga kan, yg gw puja n gw puji, dy lah yg datang untuk mencintai gw sampai kapanpun, dy yg gw cintai pada tgl 13-08-09.. tapi dy pergi mninggalkan gw.. dy mninggalkan knangan yg sampai skarang gk bisa gw lupain, ntah sampai kapan n meskipun gw punya GBtan baru, tapi knangan itu tetap ada..

gw skarang punya GBtan baru nama nyaa , tapi gw yakin gw gk akan di trima sama dy bgaimana pun cara nyaaa.. tapi, apakah masih ada kesempatan untuk gw bersama nyaa lagi??

gw rasa nggak akan bisa.. krena gw ykin gw gk bisa bahagiain dy, gw hanya bisa m'buat dy sadness, dissapoint, n many more.. i'm the man who can't make other people in my side feel happy.. without her, i can't survive in long time again.. i never feel fine in 3 weeks, no love..

I Still Love Her sampai skarang n knangan nyaa pun seperti hantu gentayangan stiap malam.. sampai kapankah gw haruz menyendiri without love?? akankah dy kembali ke plukan gw??
akankah ada yg lebih baik dari dy??

Posted by NODHERO blog | di 11/26/2009 04:55:00 AM | 0 komentar

Bellato lost n miss you, our heroes n our leader, Pain

you are our leader..
you are our heroes..
you come with good power..

you make acc n cora can't move..
you are our spirit, Bellato spirit..
the archon, leader of Bellato..
no one can change your position as leader/archon..

but, you has been banned with admin, 1 year..
we very2 lost you so much..
we always lose on the war..
we not have a heroes roar again..

but, we never lost your spirit..
we will make Bellato win..
we never make you dissapoint..
we always have your spirit..

Bellato lose n miss you, Pain


Posted by NODHERO blog | di 11/06/2009 01:55:00 AM | 0 komentar

Carees Of Venus - L'Arc~en~Ciel


masshiro na sono hada wo kawaita kaze ga kusugette iru
nagareru nagai kami ni hitomi wa sarawarete...

kasoku sareta jikan no hari wo
itsumo doko ka sameta mede nagamete ita kedo

asa ga otozureru made kono sekai wa ochite yuku kara
odori tsukareta ato mo kimi wo daite itai...

gareki no ue awata dashikute
tomare nakute itsu no mani ka wasurete ita kedo

kimi ga warau to ureshikute
asu ga nakute mo kama wanai

caress of venus
sunao na mama kuchizuketara

saa oki ni mesu ga mama ni

yubisaki made nani mo kamo ga
mawatte yuku afurete yuku mienaku naru made

kimi ga inai to kurushikute
nani ga okite mo wanaranai
kimi ga warau to ureshikute
asu ga nakute mo kama wanai
kimi wo KIREI na ano basho e
tsurete iketara suteki da ne

kimi no subete ga...... kimi wo dare ni mo......
kimi no tame nara...... kimi ni ageyou......

kimi ni hitomi wa sarawarete


A dry wind tickles your snow white skin
My eyes are swept away by your long, flowing hair

The hand of time speeds up
With my tired eyes, I always watch it from somewhere

I think this world will keep falling until the morning comes
Even after getting tired from dancing I just want to hold you...

Above the rubble in a busy haste
Before I knew it I had forgotten

If you smiled, I'd be happy
And if there's no tomorrow, I won't care

caress of venus
If we were to kiss honestly now...
I'd be yours from now on

Everything, on the end of my fingertips
Keeps spinning, keeps overflowing, until I can't see it anymore

If you're gone, I'd be sad
Even if something were to wake up I wouldn't be set free
If you smile, I'd be happy
And if there's no tomorrow, I won't care
If I could bring you along to that pretty place
Wouldn't that be wonderful?

All of you... to anyone...
If it's for you... I'll give it to you...

My eyes are swept away by you

Posted by NODHERO blog | di 10/30/2009 10:33:00 PM | 0 komentar

I Feel

skrg, gw udah tw syp gw yg asli, gw adalah cowo yg gk bisa ngertiin org yg di sayangi nyaaaa.. gw sadar akan hal itu, tp skrg gw punya tujuan lain= time to change.. BEAcause gw udah siap dg smua prubahan, baik scara fisik/pun mental..

gw berharap gw bisa mencapai cita2 yg slama ini gw damba2kan, dari gw kelaz 8 pun gw udh pingin jadi musisi layak nya Ken Kitamura(gitaris L'Arc~en~Ciel), tapi meskipun bgitu, gw sedang falling in love dg tmn gw sendiri(NAME=SECRET)..

ciri2 org nyaaa: imut, lucu, yg penting dy pinter maen piano, pinter plajaran juga, tinggi nya gk bgitu jauh dari reni..

Posted by NODHERO blog | di 10/30/2009 09:12:00 PM | 0 komentar

Do You Feel You Fine After That??!!!

ni buat anak2 OSIS n MPK aja(yg baca silahkan lo cmment deh).. aneh bin goblog bin dongo bin asuuu, knp org yg mw berbuat salah malah di ikutin di banding org yg mw berbuat bener(ati2 baca nyaa), ini kejadian yg gk boleh terulang lagi n memalukan nama ortu, nama skolah, OSIS/MPK!!!!!!!!!!!!

mesti nya tuh anak2 OSIS berpikir dolo buat apa guna nyaaa madol?? ini kejadian yg gw baru rasakan pertama x n gw juga sedih nama skolah tercemar karena anak busuk!!!!!!! goblog!!!!!!!!!! gk punya otak pula!!!!!! aneh yaaa mw ngelakuin kerjaan yg bener2 bikin malu banyak pihak, trutama skolah..

pagi2, ngomong ke ortu nyaa skolah, paz sampe skolah malah mw pergi dari skolah, apa2an loo model nyaa kyk gt..

konyol bgt yaaa bahkan ada anak BPH OSIS yg ikut2an juga, malu2in bgt deh..

3hari yg lalu MPK rapat tentang bocah2 OSIS yg madol, gw bilang mrka2 yg madol mending di pecat aja langsung deh no bacod no cocod!!!!!!!!!

NB: jgn pernah boloz n te2p semangat belajar.. jadilah murid yg baik seperti yg guru inginkan..

Posted by NODHERO blog | di 10/30/2009 07:02:00 AM | 0 komentar

gw mw curhat tentang sesuatu

numpang curhat yaaa..
gw mw curhat tentang sesuatu yg berkaitan dg char JusT RF gw yg psti bernama NODHERO(good name for good boy >.<) jadi gw skarang udah bisa bernafas lega tentang pengeluaran dan pemasukan uang tabungan gw..

ternyata enak lhoo maen JusT RF, neh kelebihan n kekurangan nyaaa:
1.) klo maen JusT RF, lo gk prlu buang2 duit buat beli item2 ny=ckup vote/barter..
2.)kalo butuh item tinggal bli d just-rf.net/gamecp/.. di situ udah bisa beli item2(snjta dll), vote, buat ID, liat org yg d banned, dll+duit tinggal farming di mo2n yg berjeniz ACE=drop bejibun..

3.)snjata udah bguz2+lo hanya luangkan wkt 12jm/hri buat vote..(2GP=12jm/hari)
4.)lo bisa jadi donatur, bayar 3JT RP(via BCA) bisa dapet ele, armor+6 rata, snjata khusus donatur yg very2 sakit abiez!!!!

tapi klemahan nyaa:
1.) PVP rada2 susah untuk org yg masih copo, misal snjata lo +4 sdangkan lawan lo itu pake snjata+5/donatur, gw yakin lo pasti mate..
2.) nyari ele susah, mesti PB/barter dg GP/item2 loo(tapi yg bguz)
3.)org2 yg maen JusT bnyk yg pmula, tapi maen nya dewa2, misal armor udh lvl 60+5 dll..

itu tadi tentang JusT RF..
yg minat maen klik link ini:
www.just-rf.net=download program
just-rf.net/gamecp/=make ID, vote, buy equiq with GP..


Posted by NODHERO blog | di 10/30/2009 02:36:00 AM | 0 komentar